Eruvin 38 - September 16, 27 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 38

Today’s daf is sponsored in honor of Ann Goldhirsch on her birthday. Happy birthday to our #1 Daf Yomi learner! Love, Barry, Aaron and Ezra. And by Yael in honor of her sister Shifra on her birthday.

What happens regarding an eruv techum when Shabbat and Yom Tov fall out right next to each other? Can one make a separate eruv in two different directions - each for a different day - as we can say they are each a separate day of sanctity? Or can we only make an eruv in the same place for both days as we treat them as one sanctity - or at least we should be stringent just in case it is considered one sanctity? The rabbis and Rabbi Eliezer disagree on this issue. The gemara brings some sources that bring a back and forth discussion between the two. How does the issue of preparing on Yom Tov for Shabbat come into play here? The gemara quotes the Tosefta in which there are three approaches to the question. However, based on a statement of Rav, the gemara changes the version that was quoted in the Tosefta. 

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