Eruvin 35 - September 13, 24 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 35

The gemara brings three different explanations of the case in the mishna where the rabbis and Rabbi Eliezer debate the case of one who loses the key to the closet in which the eruv is placed. Is it only on Yom Tov and in a case where it is built with bricks places on each other without being cemented together? Or is it made of wood and it is a debate whether or not it is considered a utensil or a tent and if a utensil, the rabbis hold there is no issue of building or taking apart in utensils? Or is it a muktze issue because the lock is attached with a rope that can be cut by a knife – can one bring a knife to cut it? What is the law if the food rolls out of the 2,000 cubits from the city limits or a pile of rocks falls on top of it and it becomes inaccessible or it burns or it is truma that becomes impure? It depends on whether it happened before or after twilight. What if one doesn’t know when it happened? Why are each of these cases mentioned? Rabbi Meir is stringent – how does this work in with other statements of Rabbi that seem similar and yet he isn’t stringent?

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