Eruvin 32 - September 10, 21 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

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Study Guide Eruvin 32

Today's daf is dedicated by Art Gould to the health, healing and well-being of his beloved bride of 47 years, Carol Robinson - Karina Gola bat Huddah. "Carol has been my best friend and partner, mother to our daughters, bubbe to our grand-daughter and the emotional center of our extended family. She has an almost magical ability to always know the right thing to do and the right thing to say. I love her more than words can possibly express."

Can one assume that if one appoints a messenger, the messenger will get the job done? Do we rely on this only with rabbinic issues or also with Torah obligations? Rav Sheshet and Rav Nachman disagree about this and Rav Sheshet brings three proofs for his position from tannaitic sources (although according to one version, one is brought as a proof for Rav Nachman). The gemara then brings an explanation for each source according to Rav Nachman. Within these sources, a debate between Rebbi and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel is brought regarding tithed produce as to whether or not it is assumed that one will transgress a minor transgression in order to ensure that someone else does not transgress a more serious prohibition - relating to the issue of not putting a stumbling block in front of others. In order to make an eruv techumim, one needs to be able to be able to be in the same location as one's eruv, at least at twilight when Shabbat comes in. The mishna brings various cases regarding this issue and the rabbis try to figure out the exact case of the mishna. 

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