Eruvin 29 - September 7, 18 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is dedicated by Judi Felber in memory of her father, Hershel-Tzvi Shlomo Haim ben Pesach v’Dina Sara z"l on his third yahrzeit. And by Leah Ackner in honor of her son Zev Yehuda Loring becoming a Bar Mitzvah. “Today I learn the daf in your honor and in honor of our past year of learning together to prepare for...” And by Candace  Plotsker-Herman in honor of her mother Elaine Riff, Ilana Leah bat Esther and Meir on her 95th birthday! “She is a creative, lifelong learner who has inspired me to pursue and embrace serious, challenging Torah learning. I look forward to attending live, rather than zoom, shiurim with her soon.”

With what food items can one make/not make an eruv? Can one use raw beets? Apples? Onions? What is the requite amount needed for an eruv? The amount is for eating at two meals but that amount is determined differently if it is food that accompanies other main foods, like a dip for bread, or if it is eaten on its own. Since the gemara discusses food, statements are made regarding nutritional value of foods including what is healthy for various ailments and what contains toxins and could cause death? The gemara also relates to other laws regarding food like impurity of foods, what liquids can disqualify a mikveh, what is the minimum amount to give to each poor person for maaser ani.

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