Eruvin 28 - September 6, 17 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 28

Today's shiur is sponsored by Shari Mendes in honor of women's learning and the marriage, this evening, of her daughter, Naomi to Menachem Lindner! Mazel tov. And by Amy Cohn on the yahrzeit of her father Rav Dov Chaim ben Zeev z"l who taught all his five daughters Talmud and the love of Torah.

Do fish fall into the category of those who get their nourishment from the ground or not and how does that affect whether or not we can use fish for an eruv? Instead of saying the debate between the unnamed tannaim is between fish, it is suggested that the debate is regarding birds as birds get sustenance from the ground but were created from mud, not the ground. If the type of method of drasha klal u'prat u'clal (a generalization, specifics and then a generalization) an outgrowth the klal u'prat method or the prat u'clal method? What is the relevance of that question? Rav lists certain types of plants and rules whether or not they can be used for an eruv. The gemara questions some of those items based on tannaitic sources or statements that Rav himself made. Questions about these items comes up regarding are they considered food for eruv, can one purchase them with maaser sheni money, can they become impure as food items, is one obligated to tithe them and would one say the blessing "blessed are the fruits of the earth" or the more general blessing "everything was created by the word of God"? What quantity of food is needed?

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