Eruvin 26 - September 4, 15 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Gary Zeitlin in memory of Dr. Alexander Glassman z"l, a dedicated family man and anesthesiologist, who recently passed away at the age of 107. And in memory of Lea Ziering, Leah bat Mazal z”l on her yahrzeit. 

The Exilarch has a dining pavillion (like an enclosure, karpaf) in an orchard and wanted to be able to carry there so they erected a fence made of reeds/posts. Rava disagreed and thought there was no need to he took it down. On Shabbat, the rabbis, including those who had helped him, started to question Rava and indeed proved him wrong. The gemara delves into the three cases brought in the mishna where Rabbi Ilai brought the law of Rabbi Eliezer - regarding the size of an enclosure, the situation where one person didn't join the eruv chatzerot before Shabbat and gives up his/her property to the others (can others carry into his house) and where one can eat a particular vegetable/plant called akrablin, on Pesach as the bitter herb. The gemara particularly delves into the root of the debate regarding the eruv chatzerot. The approaches are based on assumptions about human behavior. What if the person indicates they are doing something different from what one would expect one would do - do we go by what they say or do we assume that human behavior is so obviously one way that the person must not have meant what they said? What types of foods can one use/not use for eruv, maaser sheni and one who vows not to eat? Can one make an eruv with food that one cannot eat for specific reasons even though other can like an Israelite with truma or a nazir with wine? Do they need to have access to the location of the eruv? Can a priest make an eruv in a cemetery or a beit hapras

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