Eruvin 24 - September 2, 13 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Study Guide Eruvin 24

Today’s daf is sponsored by the Loebenberg family in honor of the yahrzeit of our father and grandfather, Ralph Loebenberg, Raphael ben Mordechai, z”l, who was able to be mesayem Masechet Eruvin two cycles ago, and also in honor of one of his granddaughters, Danya Gewurz, who is continuing on with her daf yomi learning with this third masechet as part of this cycle. Saba would be so proud.

What is the status of an enclosure that was enclosed for living purposes but one planted in it - does that change its status? On what does it depend? Rav Huna son of Rabbi Yehoshua limits the case but there are 3 versions of what exactly he said - what he was limiting and what were the limits he set. If one enclosed the space not for living purposes and then decides to live there, what does one need to do to make the space permitted for carrying? One needs to breach the wall more than ten cubits and rebuild. What if one breached a small amount at a time and fixed it up so that at every given point, there was not a breach of more than ten - does that work? If a space was walled in for purposes of living and then became filled with water - does that cancel its status "for living purposes" - on what does it depend? How did they fix the rechava, large open space in Pum Nahara that was open on one side to an alley that opened to the public domain and the other side was a path between vineyards that led to the river? What did that allow them to do?

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