Eruvin 23 - September 1, 12 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 23


Today’s daf is sponsored by Medinah Korn in memory of her dear mother, Rosalie Katchen, Shoshana Raizl bat Avraham Yehoshua ve-Baila Toiba, z"l, on her 20th Yahrzeit. She loved to learn Torah and connect with people and would have loved the incredible work Hadran is doing in promoting both of those values. And in honor of all the teachers and students who are starting school in these uniquely complicated circumstances.

We hold like Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava and only permit posts around a well if it is a well with fresh running water and communal. The mishna beings many different opinions regarding under what circumstances one could carry in an enclosure that is beit saatayim - is it only if it is used for living purposes and if so, what constitutes living purposes? Does it need to be square shaped or can it be rectangular and if a rectangle, only if its length is not more than double its width. If a square, the measurement if 70 and 2/3. From where is this measurement and the square shape derived? If an enclusure is surrounded with walls and then part of it is planted, what are the laws regarding carrying in this space? Rav Huna son of Rabbi Yehoshua limits this law - how and according to who?


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