Eruvin 22 - August 31, 11 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Today's daf is sponsored by Ellie Gellman and Becky Portnoe, in memory of their father, Jerry Bach, Yosef Menachem ben Yaakov Yehuda and Leah z"l, on his 30th yahrtzeit. A father of daughters, he taught us that we could do anything we dreamed of. And by Tali and David Clements in honor of the birth of their daughter, Brielle Ava, whom they hope will grow up with a love of Torah, inspired by those who worked to empower women to become leaders in Jewish learning.

Every stroke in the Torah can be expounded upon. Who is worthy to do this? The gemara brings several explanations based on a verse in Shir HaShirim. How does God give reward differently to righteous people and evil people? There is a question asked regarding Rabbi Yehuda's limitation of posts for a well to a space of beit sa'atayim. Does that include the space around the well or just the well itself. The gemara does not succeed in finding an answer. If many people pass through the space in between the posts, does that cancel the "walls" and the status of it being a private domain or not? Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis disagree. In a different place, they seem to have opposite approaches but the gemara resolves that. Is Israel considered in its entirety not a public domain? Why would it (and is it in fact) different from other places? If there is a mound that goes up ten handbreadths over a space of four cubits in the public domain but people pass through there, is it still considered a private domain according to Rabbi Yehuda? Rava says no. The gemara brings several sources to question this but resolve each one. Is the law regarding posts around a well only applicable to a well and not a put with rainwater? Only those for public use and not private use? 

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