Eruvin 19 - Friday August 28, 8 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Adam Dicker and Caroline Hochstadter in commeration of the yahrzeit of Fred Hochstadter, Ephraim ben Baruch, z"l, an amazing father and Saba, as well as in celebration of the recent marriage of our son Shimshon Dicker to Zoe Abboudi. Saba would have been proud of you, Shim and Zoe, and he would have loved the learning at Hadran. Thank you all for providing a beautiful space and environment to learn the Daf! And by Gabi and Barry Gelman in honor of Amichai Shalom on becoming a bar mitzvah. 

We finish the last statements of Rabbi Yirmia ben Elazar and through that get into a discussion about Gehenom - Hell. The gemara discussed the differences between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda regarding the space in between posts. Abaye asks Raba several questions about the posts put up around a well. 


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