Eruvin 17 - August 26, 5 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 17

Today's daf is sponsored by Rochelle Cheifetz in memory of her husband Leonard Cheifetz z"l on his yahrzeit.

What are the different opinions regarding "walls" that can be used to surround an encampment of a group of people or individuals? Can they be a few horizontal ropes that work using levud? Is there a difference if it's a group or individuals (one or two people)? Is it dependent on space per person or what their particular needs are (i.e. if they have a lot/little equipment/items). What if the number of people changes over Shabbat, i.e. someone dies - do we follow what was permitted when Shabbat started or do we go by the present status? There is a debate regarding this - is it the same debate as the one regarding a post or beam of an alleyway or walls of a courtyard or house that fall over the course of Shabbat? What dispensations were made for soldiers in a voluntary war?  They can take wood from anywhere, do not need to wash their hands before eating bread, do not need to separate tithes from questionable produce, do not need to make an eruv and some say can camp wherever they want and get buried wherever they die. Why is this not considered a met mitzva (one who died with no relative to bury him/her)? The gemara delves into each of this cases. The second chapter begins with a discussion on boards that are put up to allow drawing water from wells in public domains. How many boards? What is the space in between the boards? What side do the boards need to be? 

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