Eruvin 15 - August 24, 4 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 15

Today's daf is sponsored by Elisha Gordan in honor of his mother, Shifra Vega for her hospitality and chizuk learning the daf alongside him during corona.

A post that was already standing and not placed with the intent to be a post, does that work? Rava and Abaye disagree. The gemara assumes they would also disagree about the same issue regarding a mechitza but later reject this assumption. Sources are brought to support Abaye's position. Can an animal function as a post? Can one write a get, bill of divorce, on an animal? What works as a mechitza? If the wall is more breached than standing, it does not. What if it is equal? 


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