Eruvin 14 - August 23, 3 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 14

Today's daf is sponsored by Elisha Gordan in honor of her mother, Shifra Vega for her hospitality and chizuk learning the daf alongside me during corona.

What is the minimum width of a cross beam? The gemara brings a number of different cases of beams that are not long enough or not wide enough on their own, but can combine with another. Under what circumstances would this work? What is the beam is curved outward toward the public domain? What if it is a circle, what circumference would mean that the beam is one handbreadth in diameter? The rabbis determined that it would be at a circumference of 3. This is derived from a verse in  the book of Kings describing the utensil in the temple called the yam of Shlomo. It had 150 times the requisite measurement needed for a mikveh. The gemara goes through the calculations that confirm this. What is the height and width of a post? Rabbi Yosi and the rabbis disagree about the width. Who do we hold like? What are the factors that went into determining this?


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