Eruvin 11 - August 20, 30 Av, Rosh Chodesh Elul 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 11

Today's daf is sponsored Chanah and Michael Piotrkowski in honor of Azi and Reva Esensten (and siblings Margolit, Zev and Betzalel, and their parents) for the beautiful handmade card and for giving us tzedakah so we'd travel safely to Israel when we made Aliyah on the 27th of Av. Come be with us soon! Love, Chanah and Michael.

The exceptions to the rule of a decorative element if the alley is too high, and a form of a doorway if it is too wide, would they each work to resolve the other issue (doorway for height, decorative for width)? Rav had an alternate version of the mishna in which is said that a form of a doorway does not resolve an opening of more than 10 cubits. Rav Yosef derived from there a halacha regarding a courtyard with a wall mostly open with windows and doorframes - that Rav would also not permit that. But the gemara rejects his comparison. The gemara suggests that Rabbi Yochanan agrees with Rav by bringing a debate between him and Reish Lakish regarding a vine draped on beams to serve as a barrier for mixing crops. Rabbi Yochanan distinguished there between laws for crops and laws of Shabbat. However, the gemara rejects the comparison as it is not clear it is referring to the same situation (the vine case could be that they were attached in the middle of the beams and not at the top). The gemara brings a contradiction to Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish's positions in this case to their positions in a similar case. The gemara resolves the contradiction. The gemara brings several halachot regarding the form of a doorway that can be used. Rav Hisda says it cannot be used if the beam it attached in the middle of the pole. Reish Lakish says it needs a pivot hole - for a hinge. Rav Nachman says the beam does not need to be attached to the posts - just above it and Rav Sheshet requires they be touching. A case happened in the alley of the Exilarch where they held like Rav Nachman and Rav Sheshet asked his attendant to take it down. The attendant was thrown into jail by the Exilarch's men and Rav Sheshet had to bail him out. Later, Raba bar Shmuel explained to Rav Sheshet that his opinion was wrong from a debate regarding an arched doorway and in which cases it is obligated in mezuza. Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel debate how an alley can be fixed - it is enough to put a beam or post or does one need both? Rabbi Eliezer things one needs two posts. Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Akiva debate in which cases do Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel argue? Is it at any width or only from 4-10 cubits? How many walls make a space considered a private domain according to Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel and is it different to forbid carrying into their from a public domain and to permit carrying inside? 


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