Eruvin 102 - November 19, 3 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today’s daf is dedicated by Michelle Winer for a refuah shelaimah for her daughter, Bella Winer, Bella Rachel bat Malka Enya, and that Hashem should guide the hands of Dr. John K. Petty, the surgeon operating on her today.  What types of bolts can be used on Shabbat? Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis disagree about bolts that can be used in the Temple and outside the Temple, as in the Temple, rabbinic prohibitions can be overridden. In what way can temporary tents be built? Is wearing a hat with a brim possibly problematic because of building a temporary tent or is it for a different reason? The next few mishnas discuss other things that can be done in the Temple but not outside the Temple, such as fixing bottom hinges. What is the difference between bottom and top hinges. Also returning a bandage that one took off can be done in the Temple but not putting one on from scratch. Or tying a string in a harp that broke but not attaching one to a harp that hadn't yet had strings. 

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