Eruvin 100 - November 17, 1 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Chodesh Tov! Our learning in the month of Kislev is dedicated by Pam and Yoav Schwartz to honor the 5th yahrtzeit of their nephew Ezra Schwartz z"l. Ezra's life was full of love, curiosity, laughter, and friendship. May this learning replace some of the light that was lost from this world. Today's daf is sponsored by Dena and Mark Levie in honor of the birth of their first grandchild, Nadav Shlomo, Son of Ariella, and Ezra Kapetansky. May he grow up to love learning and be a source of nachat to all. The gemara speaks of the prohibition of using, climbing on trees on Shabbat - under what conditions is it permitted Can one walk on grass on Shabbat? Through a verse in Mishlei they prove the opinion that one cannot; however that verse is also used to teach that a man can't force a women to have intercourse with him. Two contradictory statements are brought whether it is a good thing or is it frowned upon if a woman demands of her husband to fulfill is obligation to have relations with her. In this context, the gemara lists ten curses that Eve was cursed with.

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