Berakhot 9

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Can one recite shema right before and right after sunrise and fulfill both the night and day obligations? Why when the mishna lists mitzvot that can be done all night, it doesn't list eating the Pesach sacrifice? Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria and Rabbi Akiva have a debate regarding the time one can eat the Pesach sacrifice - midnight or until the end of the night. Why did the Jews borrow jewelry from the Egyptians before they left? Were they happy to do this or not? From when can one read shema in the mornig and until when? Does one need to juxtapose the blessing after shema of redemption to shmone esreh? If so, how does this effect the time whne one can say shema? 

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