Berakhot 8

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

It is best to pray at the time that the community is praying. Why is that? What type of things is it important to pray for? Is it better to pray in a synogogue or a place where one learns? Why? Is it best to live near one's rabbi or not? One should read the prasha twice and once with a translation before it is read in the synogogue. Is it ok to do a number of weeks at once? The gemara mentions things that rabbis taught there children regarding behaviors that one should be careful about - including some they learned from people of other nations. One should be careful not to sit on a bed of an Armean women - three interpretations are brought regarding the meaning of this. One explanantion includes a story of Rav Papa that was almost framed for killing a baby but was saved because he checked first under the bed and found the dead baby.

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