Berakhot 61

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by the Tannenbaum family in memory of Miriam's father, Mr. Jack Zemsky who championed womens learning - לעילוי נשמת יעקב יצחק בן משה נחום הלוי ז"ל.

Everything that happens is for the good. What does one derive from the word "vayitzer" and God created - why does it have 2 yuds? How was woman created - did God create at first two images - male and female together - or was woman created from an appendage of man? One should love God with all his/her soul and money. Why are both mentioned? How did Rabbi Akiva die ? Even though he was torutured, he was happy to be able to fulfill the verse to love God and accept the yoke of God with all of one's soul. Laws of respect of the Temple are discussed. How far away can one be and still be obligated? When one goes to the bathroom, one needs to make sure not to face the Temple. Is this everywhere and at all times or only when the Temple is standing? 

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