Berakhot 60

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is sponsored by Shlomit Metz-Poolat in memory of her father HaRav Moshe Meiri Ben Tzvi Hirsch haLevi. May his neshama have an aliyah. His favorite masechet was Berakhot. And in honor of his granddaughter Joely Metz of whom he was so proud and who is currently serving in the IDF as a combat medic. May Hashem watch over her and all her fellow soldiers!

Does one say shehechiyani on items or a house that one already has in one's house? Does it matter if one had inherited them or purchased the original ones? Is it possible to change the sex of a fetus? Can one who trusts in God be confident that no trouble will befall them? What are the prayers said when entering or exiting the city, when entering and exiting the bathhouse, before and after bloodletting, before and after going to the bathroom, when going to sleep and waking up? What are the blessings one says in the morning - birkhot hashachar? How is a doctor permitted to be a doctor if we believe that God is the one who heals?

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