Berakhot 57

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Sivya Twersky in memory of her father HaRav Pesach Zecharia HaLevi ben HaRav Reuven and Leah z"l and in honor of his granddaughter Shoshana Baker of who he would be very proud. 

The gemara lists all sorts of items that one may see in a dream and explains the meaning. The gemara also lists other things like three things that go into the body but the body does not benefit from, three things that do not go into the body but the body benefits from, six things that are considered one sixtieth of something else. What blessing does one say when seeing a place where idol worship was uprooted? What blessing does one say on seeing specific places in Babylonia? 

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