Berakhot 56

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

The gemara continues to discuss dreams and the power of the interpreter to affect the outcome of the dream. Bar Hedya would intepret dreams positively to those who paid him and negatively to those who didn't. Abaye and Rava saw the same dreams but because Abaye paid and Rava didn't, he interpreted Abaye's positively and Rava's negatively and caused Rava great suffering including his wife's death. How did the story end? Did his fraud get revealed? Did he get punished? The gemara brings a list of various things that if one sees they can be viewed positively or negatively and recommends that one read a verse that says something postivie about it in order to effect a positive outcome. Psychology and the importance of positive thinking is a central theme in today's daf.

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