Berakhot 54

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Miriam Rifka bat Leah and Yitzchak Zev.

The mishna lists blessings that are recited on particular things - if one passes a place where a miracle happened or mountains, the Mediterranean Sea, etc. It also lists blessings on natural and other occurences like thunder, lightening, earthquakes, building a new house, buying new clothing, hearing good/bad news. What is considered a meaningless prayer? What can't one bring/wear into the Temple Mount? When one greets a friend, one should greet using God's name - even though one may see this as a non respectful manner of using God's name, the rabbis permitted it in order to strengthen people's connection to God. We learn from Yitro that one should bless on a miracle. A braita lists places where miracles happened. There are four situations in which one makes a blessing of thanks (birkhat hagomel). what are they? From where is this derived? 

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