Berakhot 53

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

The gemara discusses the candle and spices for havdala. One can't use a candle from a non-Jew because it needs to be a candle that was not lit on Shabbat. The candle needs to be one that is used for light, not oone used for cooking or heating. One can only light on spices that were used for smell and not to take away bad odors. Does one need to actually benefit from the light in order to make the blessing or can it just be light that potentially one could use. If one forgot to say birkhat hamazon in the place where one ate, does one need to return? On what does it depend? Beit Shamai say you need to retunr no matter what and give an analogy to one who would leave one's wallet who would clearly go back. How much time after eating, can one still say birkhat hamazon? Is it better to be the one saying the blessing or the one answering 'amen'? The chapter ends with a drasha from a verse commanding to be holy and connects it to rituals surrounding meal. Why? 

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