Berakhot 51

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Berakhot 51

What does one do if one ate without making a blessing - does make the blessing in the middle of the meal? What if one finished, can one make the blessing before the meal after one finished eating? The gemara discusses whether a drink made with wine or beer called 'asparagus' is healthy or not. Contradictory sounrces are brought and resolved. Two rabbis mention a number of things that were taught to them by angels regarding behavior and foods. There is a debate regarding laws that apply to a cup used for a blessing. This leads into a story with Yalta, wife of Rav Nachman who is insulted by Ula's behavior and breaks 400 barrels of wine. On what issues relating to meals do Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel disagree?

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