Berakhot 49

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is sponsored by the Freedman family in memory of their Abba and Saba Zvi Stein, Zvi ben HaRav Mordechai David.

Study Guide Berakhot 49

What concepts are essential to mention in birkhat hamazon? How does the blessing of rebuilding Jerusalem end? Why is the structure of the fourth blessing different? how many times does malchut need to be mentioned in that blessing? Why? What if one forgets to add additions for special days in birkhat hamazon? How much does one need to eat to require a zimun? There is a debate. Does this match a debate between the same people somehwere else or does it contradict? How can it be explained? Is the text for zimun different depending on how many people there are? How?

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