Berakhot 47

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

The shiurim for the next month are sponsored for the refuah shleima of Ofer Yair ben Yaara.

In what scenarios is it not appropriate to give respect to important people? Why? The gemara goes over each of the cases in the mishna whereby one eats certain foods and either can or cannot join a zimmun. What is each one adding that we didn't already know? What makes someone an am haaretz? A braita is brought with many different opinions. Rami bar Hama dies and it is believed that it is because he didn't offer Rav Menashia to ever lead the zimun. Why did he not allow him to? And why was he punished for it? What caused him to be mistaken? In order to get to ten, can one use a child as a tenth? Or a Caananite slave? An aron kodesh? Shabbat? How can these be options?

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