Berakhot 46

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Who is the preferred person to make hamotzi on the bread on behalf of everyone - the host/ess or the most respected person? What about for leading the zimun? What is the text that one adds for the host in birkhat hamazon? Where does the blessing on the zimun end - at the end of the actual zimun or at the end of the first blessing? What are the ramifications of the debate regarding this issue? A mourner has a special text that one says in the fourth blessing of birkhat hamazon. A discusssion ensues between the Exilarch and Rav Sheshet where the Exilarch praises the Persian customs regarding eating and rav Sheshet tries to prove that the rabbis also had smart customs regarding eating practices.

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