Berakhot 44

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Hadran Communities Form

Study Guide Berakhot 44

Today's shiur is sponsored in memory of the Hon. Judge Miriam Altman z"l by Gabrielle and Daniel Altman. If one eats a bread secondary to a salty dish, one only makes a blessing on the salt dish. In what kind of situation would one's bread be secondary? The gemara explains that one who ate fruits from Ginosar would eat a lot of salt and would then need bread to wash away the salt. The gemara brings several statements about the special nature of the fruits of Ginosar and other praises of Israel. What blessing does one make after eating the seven species? What blessing does one make before drinking water? The details regarding the blessing after grains and fruit of the seven species are discussed. After eating which foods does one say "boreh nefashot"? Are there food upon which one does not make a blessing after eating? In Israel people would make a blessing after removing their tefillin. The gemara talks about more foods that are healthy or unhealthy. One should not eat vegetables early in the day because it causes bad breath. Eggs are very healthy. Can one eat turnips?

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