Berakhot 42

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is sponsored in memory of Gavriel ben Noach z"l by Chanah and Michael Piotrkowski.

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Study Guide Berakhot 42

What blessing does one make on bread "that comes with kisnin" - generally understood to be some kind of sweet bread or sweet dough? What is considered the end of one's meal which would mean that if one wanted to eat more food at that point, one would need to make a new blessing. Is it different if one is a guest at someone else's table? Does a blessing on the wine before the meal exempt one from a blessing on wine after the meal (before saying birkhat hamazon)? Would it be the same for one who blessed on wine in the middle of the meal? Does it matter if it is a weekday or holiday/Shabbat? Does a blessing on bread cover foods that are eaten before the meal? Does a blessing on those foods exempt bread? If people are eating together does one bless for everyone or each person for themselves? Is the law different if they are sitting or reclining?

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