Berakhot 41

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

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Study Guide Berakhot 41

The rabbis and Rabbi Yehuda disagree in the mishna regarding what does one do if one has a number of foods to make a blessing on - does one choose to bless on one of the seven species that Israel is known for or what one likes best? In whcih case are they arguing - when all the foods are of one type of blessing or also if there are different types? If one blesses on a vegetable and there were also fruits there, does the blessing on vegetables exempt the fruit? The laws regarding which blessing to do first comes from the verse about the seven species. Others learn requisite amounts for various laws from that verse. How exactly is the order learned from that verse - is it the order in the verse or the proximity of the species to the word "land" in the verse, which appears twice. If one eats fruits or dessert, does one need to make a separate blessing before and after? Does bread exmapt all foods and wine exempt all drinks from a separate blessing? Why doesn't the blessing on bread exempt wine?

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