Berakhot 39

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Berakhot 39

Is the question what blessing one makes on cooked vegetables also a tannaitic debate? What does one bless on turnip? On what does it depend? If one adds flour to help the food stick together, what blessing does one make? What blessing is made on hard bread that is in pieces and is soaked? The issue connects to a debate regarding how one makes a blessing on a loaf of bread - at what point does one slice it? This connects with the issue of how we do the breaking of the bread on Shabbat. If one has smaller whole loaf and a larger slice of bread, what does one make the blessing on? Is the issue here connected to a similar issue regarding teruma (small whole onion or half of a larger one)? On seder night on Passover, how many matzot do we use and are they whole or not? Why do we use two loaves on Shabbat and how do we do it? 

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