Berakhot 34

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Berakhot 34

The mishna mentions other words that if the chazan used them in prayer, he would be removed. What do we do when the chazan makes a mistake? A number of laws are mentioned regarding laws of a chazan. Can one answer to the blessing of the kohen? Can he bless the people if he is the only kohen? How should one respond when asked tobe a chazan? What does one do when one makes a msitake in his prayer? We learn from Moshe that short or long prayers are always accepted. When in shmone esreh does one bow? Is it a good thing to bow or not? Does it depend on who you are? Is it different for leaders? Why? One who makes a mistake in prayer, it's a bad sign. It was known that Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa would pray for people and would know based on his prayer whether or not the person would be healed.  

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