Berakhot 33

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Studty Guide Berakhot 33

Can one stop in the middle of shmone esreh? And if yes, for what types of things? In which blessings of shmone esreh does one add praise of God for bringing rain, request for rain and havdala on Saturday night? Is the main havdala on a cup of wine or in prayer? How did this develop? Is the addition of havdala different on Yom Tov that falls on motzai Shabbat both in content and location in prayer? There are certain things that a prayer leader (chazan) would say that we would not allow - like saying modim (prayer thanking God) two times, thanking for the good and not the bad, and one who says that God's mercy is on the birds (relating to the commandment of sending away the mother bird before taking its young). Why? 

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