Berakhot 29

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

When was the blessing against the Saducees instituted - by who and why? Once Shimon HaKatan was davening and forgot the words for that plessing and they waited for him a few hours - why didn't they remove him from being the chazan? Why weren't they concerned maybe he was a Saducee? Can good people turn bad? Where can we find references in the texts to the number of blessings in different shmone esrehs? What is the shortened version on shmone esreh that Rabbi Yehoshua says one can say? Are there days where one can't use the shortened version? Why? What does Rabbi Eliezer mean when he discourages people from making their prayer "set"? One who is in a dangerous place can say a short prayer instead of shmone esreh. What is that? One who goes on a journey shoudl say a prayer. What is the text? 

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