Berakhot 28

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

The story continues with Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria being chosen - he consults with his wife who warns against taking the job for two reasons. The second one (of being too young and may not be resopected) is no longer an issue when he magically grows 18 rows of white hairs. He accepts the job. He opens the doors to the Beit Midrash as Rabban Gamliel had a guard who would only let in people whose insides wewre like their outsides. On that day, so much Torah was learned, include masechet eduyot, and many halachic issues were resolved. Rabban Gamliel feels like he may ahve been wrong, especially after he loses and argument to Rabbi Yehoshua regarding accepting a convert from Amon. He makes peace with Rabib Yehoshua and then they need to convince the rabbis to take Rabban Gamliele back adn they eventually agree to let him be in charge three weeks and keep Rabib Elazar ben Azaria for one week so as not to demote him entirely. If one needs to pray mincha and musaf, which comes first? What is said about one who doesn't pray within the timeframe alloted by Rabbi Yehuda? Can one eat before musaf? Before mincha? Rabbi Nechunia ben Hakane would say a prayer on entering and on leaving the beit midrash - what would he say? The gemara tells of the last words of Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai before their deaths. What does one say daily - all 18 blessings of shmone esreh or a shortened version or does it depend (on what?)? There is a debate regarding this issue. Rabbi Eliezer says that one must make sure not to make prayer too set and static. In which direction does one face? What if one is traveling and can't? Why 18 blessings? One needs to bow in prayer- how far down? Why 18 - isn't it 19?


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