Berakhot 16

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Rabbi Elazar explains what to do when one gets confused at various points in shema. What are the laws regarding workers - can they come down from a tree or a high wall to say shema and shmone esreh? Is there a difference between the two? Why? Does it depend what type of salary the worker receives? A groom is exempt from shema on his wedding night and for a few days until he has sex with his wife for the first time. Why? A few stories are brought regarding Rabban Gamliel where he acted against mainstream halacha. Each time he is challenged by his students and explains to them why he made an exception. Laws regarding canaanite slaves are discussed - can one mourn for them? The gemara brings a list of personal prayers that rabbis added at the end of their shmone esreh. Some are incorporated into our prayers but not immediately following shmone esreh.

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