Berakhot 11

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

From the phrase "when you sit in your house and when you walk on your way" one derives that one who is occupied with a mitzvah or a groom on the night of his wedding are exempt from saying shema. The groom is exempt because his mind is preoccupied with the fulfillment of a mitzvah. Can one derived from here that one who is preoccupied for other reasons would be exempt also even if not for a mitzvah? A mourner is obligated in all mitzvot except for tefillin (he is exempt on the first day only). Can one hold like Beit Shamai and lie down for shema at night and stand up in the morning? Vatious opinions are brought. What are the blessings before shema in the morning? On what type of learning does one need to say the blessings on the Torah for? What is the blessing that needs to be said? In Masechet Tamid, there is a description of the prayers of the priests in the Temple. They said only one blessing before shema. Which one? 

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