Episode 081 : Punavuoren kaksoissurma (Punavuori double murder)
True Crime Finland - Podcast készítő Minna

In February of 1992, a passerby called the Helsinki police to report a car that was sitting at a parking lot. The trunk had been left unlocked and inside, he saw what looked like a body. Podcast promo for this week: Stolen From Me Huge thanks to Antti for becoming a new patron! On Patreon, you can donate as little as two dollars a month and in return, get exclusive access to ad-free episodes, scripts, bonus episodes on various topics and other nice rewards. Visit the page at https://www.patreon.com/truecrimefinland Art is by Mark Pernia Music is "Night" by VVSMUSIC My art store: https://society6.com/minnanen Podcast swag store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tc-finland/shop?asc=u Email: [email protected] Website: https://truecrimefinland.squarespace.com Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/507039419636994/ Twitter & Instagram: tc_finland Sources: Arman ja Suomen rikosmysteerit, season 2, episode 6 – Punavuoren kaksoissurma https://www.ruutu.fi/video/3358274?page=2 Helsingin Sanomat 29.2.1992: Kaksoissurman tutkijat etsivät ammutun lahtelaisen veljeä Helsingin Sanomat 3.11.1992: Punavuoren surmista epäiltynä vangittiin 34-vuotias yrittäjä Helsingin Sanomat 24.11.1992: Yrittäjää syytetään kahdesta murhasta Punavuoren surmajutussa Helsingin Sanomat 6.10.2019: Kuka sen teki? https://www.hs.fi/sunnuntai/art-2000006263699.html Helsingin Sanomat 6.10.2019: Krp tutustuu HS:n paljastamiin tietoihin Punavuoren kaksoismurhasta https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000006263896.html Ilta-Sanomat 8.9.2012: KRP: Yllätyskäänne jättää Helsingin "mafiamurhan" ikuiseksi arvoitukseksi https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000537841.html