This podcast is sponsored by STORYBLOCKS, go to for a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL! after watching the documentary (dis)honesty, we just felt like we had to talk about this - lying ! what an incredibly exciting, important, and fun topic. we should talk about this more often ! the documentary highlights some super interesting points about dishonesty, rationalisation, cheating, and being able to look ourselves in the mirror. and like most things, it's a highly social activity ! we talk about : – are we liars ? – why do we lie ? – is it bad ? – are there ever good lies ? – is there a difference between lying and exaggerating ? – why david hates sales people !? and of course, it wouldn’t feel like tuesday without david’s semi-funny anecdote about people we don’t know : this week it's all about the lovely swedish guy kim who behaved both very cleverly and very gentlemanly after having is wallet stolen ! love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit