"You're Going to be Charge" (My Journey Part VI)
Nursing Podcast by NURSING.com (NRSNG) (NCLEX® Prep for Nurses and Nursing Students) - Podcast készítő Jon Haws RN: Nursing Podcast Host, Critical Care Nurse, Nursing School Men

In today’s episode, I’m taking you through a pivotal part of my nursing journey—from my early days in the Neuro ICU to precepting students, becoming a charge nurse, and the moment I realized nursing education was broken. This realization is what fueled me to start NURSING.com (formerly NRSNG). I wanted to fill the gaps I saw in nursing education and give you the tools I never had. I share my struggles with imposter syndrome, the pressure of caring for patients, and why never feeling fully ready actually makes you a better nurse. If you’ve ever doubted yourself, this one’s for you. 💙 Happy Nursing! -Jon Haws, RN