Inspirational Interviews | Stella Bruggen Life Story


Stella is a mermaid, blogger, singer, performing artist, “subtitler”, translator and producer. She studied language, culture, and dance; recently married in Tuscany, and has gone back to “the books” and now studies classical music.Stella says, she’d far rather create a life doing EVERYTHING she loves than doing - just ONE thing - as society kind of dictates! I found this idea so inspiring, because let’s face it, human beings are good at more than one thing, we get joy from more than one skill, we are not one tracked minded - we are not just one thing! We are a beautiful cocktail of so many wonderful creative (and linear) talents, and of course it’s our choice what ingredients we choose to throw into the mix of life, but let’s face it! It’s our choice! Stella’s YouTube channel as a mermaid (with over 158k subscribers ) secures her an income, as does her other jobs. Stella, Thank you for sharing your world with us, and for bringing your magical singing voice into the studio!!! What a romantic life you have created for yourself.check out Stella's YouTube Channel : @stellathesiren #stellathesiren

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