Happy Birthday, Darwin! Exposing Religious Voucher Failures - See more at: http://ffrf.org/news/radio/shows#sthash.TKvlnTky.dpuf

Freethought Radio - Podcast készítő Freedom From Religion Foundation - Csütörtökök

In the News: Freethought Radio comments on international blasphemy prosecutions, UN committee evaluation of Vatican failings, and asks you to do your bit and buy Girl Scout cookies! (Antiabortionists have called boycott.) Birthdates honored: Charles Darwin, Philip Appleman and Phyllis Rose. Song: God’s Grandeur, words by Phil Appleman, music by Dan Barker. Guest: Patrick Elliott talks about a North Carolina state/church victory stopping a prayerful school coach that's grabbing national attention, and details shocking details his open records request uncovered about a religious voucher school in Milwaukee that closed its doors after receiving more than $2 million in tax dollars.

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