EP 173: The Astrology of 2025 Pt 1 w/ Gray Crawford
Energetic Principles Podcast - Podcast készítő Melissa LaFara

2025 sets the stage for monumental shifts! In this episode, Melissa LaFara and Gray Crawford convene for their 6th annual “year ahead” astrology predictions. There was so much to cover that this will be a two-part offering. In part one, we discuss the first 6 months of the year - solstice to solstice - which covers Mars and Venus RX, the Pisces/Virgo nodal shift, the ingresses of Saturn and Neptune in Aries, and their impending 2026 conjunction, the Aries ingress, and more! Buckle up because this is a long one, folks… this year’s story has so much to tell! Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rAhgmL48b_s Want to go deeper into how the astrology overlays in your chart? Book a consultation here! https://www.energeticprinciples.com/ IG @energeticprinciples Tarot of Her: https://www.tarotofher.com/ IG @tarotofher To sign up for my “The Heavenly Wind” monthly newsletters: http://eepurl.com/dytZHf Visit Gray Crawford: https://graycrawford.net/ YT @graycrawfordastrology IG @gray_crawford_astrology