“Long-Term Future Fund: March 2024 Payout recommendations” by Linch, calebp, Habryka, Lawrence Chan, Clara Collier, Daniel_Eth, Lauro Langosco, Thomas Larsen, elifland

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Introduction. This payout report covers the Long-Term Future Fund's grantmaking from May 1 2023 to March 31 2024 (11 months). It follows our previous April 2023 payout report. Total funding recommended: $6,290,550 Total funding paid out: $5,363,105 Number of grants paid out: 141 Acceptance rate (excluding desk rejections): 159/672 = 23.7% Acceptance rate (including desk rejections): 159/825 = 19.3% Report authors: Linchuan Zhang (primary author), Caleb Parikh (fund chair), Oliver Habryka, Lawrence Chan, Clara Collier, Daniel Eth, Lauro Langosco, Thomas Larsen, Eli Lifland 25 of our grantees, who received a total of $790,251, requested that our public reports for their grants are anonymized (the table below includes those grants). 13 grantees, who received a total of $529, 819, requested that we not include public reports for their grants. You can read our policy on public reporting here. We referred at least 2 grants to other funders for evaluation. Highlighted Grants (The [...] ---Outline:(01:46) Highlighted Grants(20:28) Other updates(22:10) Other writings(26:52) Appendix(26:55) Other Grants We Made During This Time PeriodThe original text contained 1 footnote which was omitted from this narration. --- First published: June 12th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/pJyCWzevPHsycj4oQ/long-term-future-fund-march-2024-payout-recommendations --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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