Radio Free Skaro #796 - Farm Crime

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - Podcast készítő The Three Who Rule - Vasárnapok


This week, the major Doctor Who-related news is the very thorough article in The Guardian about the allegations of sexual assault and abuse against former Doctor Who actor Noel Clarke as described by a group of 20 brave women. We also have news of Doctor Who Magazine, Big Finish, and the increasingly intriguing, immersive theatre experience Doctor Who: Time Fracture, along with our continuing Torchwood Revisited commentary series featuring the rural mayhem that is “Countrycide!” Links: Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon! Noel Clarke Guardian article Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition 57 Doctor Who Magazine 564 Big Finish received Guinness World Record for their monthly range Jason & Nick from Big Finish on the Radio Times podcast Big Finish Fifth Doctor Adventures – Forty due 2022 Big Finish Dalek Universe 2 due July 2021 Big Finish Watchers by Matthew Waterhouse due January 2022 Big Finish The Lone Centurion Volume 2 due July 2022 Time Fracture to feature David Bradley and John Barrowman David Bradley Time Fracture interview John Barrowman Time Fracture interview Cubicle7 will continue producing the Doctor Who RPG Frank Cox died Commentary: Countrycide

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