Tale of a Late Bloomer and Other Teenage Embarrassments
Big Time Adulting - Podcast készítő Caitlin Murray

Caitlin Murray was a late bloomer and at fourteen she yearned to have big boobs. In this episode, Caitlin shares an embarrassing story from high school orientation aboard a sailboat when she accidentally exposed her little titties out of the side of her speedo bathing suit in front of her classmates. Caitlin reflects on how embarrassing moments from our youth leave imprints on us and how as we grow older embarrassment becomes somewhat inconsequential and maybe even funny. This is all to say that when our children experience the visceral doom and shame of embarrassment, instead of minimizing it, we can show some empathy and turn it around with some humor. Tune in to hear from our listeners who submitted their own embarrassing teenage stories! Follow Caitlin Murray @bigtimeadulting Caitlin's magazine Soul Snacks with everything you need to know Caitlin's favorite brands & affiliate partners: Knockaround Sunglasses (use code BIGTIMEADULTING for 15% OFF) The best store in the world The second best store Submit your "big time adulting moment" and potentially be a guest on the podcast. Write to us at [email protected]. Pitch tip: The best stories have plot, characters, conflict, and an aha moment.