Wake Up & Take Control: The Truth About Women & Success
Andrew Tate Speech Daily - Podcast készítő Andrew Tate Daily

Listen up. You’ve been lied to. You’re out here chasing women, thinking they’re special, thinking they hold the keys to your happiness. Wrong. She ain't special, bro. Half the planet is female. You want respect? You want success? Forget the girls—fix yourself first. Be a man worth chasing, not some desperate guy begging for attention. Get your money right, build your body, sharpen your mind. When you’re on top, they’ll come to you. This ain't about “game.” It’s about reality. Confidence, power, and discipline—those are the real currencies. Women don’t want to think; they want a leader. Be that guy. Make decisions. Stand firm. You don’t need to put on an act, but you do need to be the best version of yourself. Winners attract winners. Weak men chase; strong men choose. Life is serious. This is war. Every day you waste is a day lost. Get serious. Get smart. Get going. The world doesn’t care about your excuses—it only respects results. Set your sail right, take control, and start winning. -