168 - Dr. Shane Talks ADHD and Addiction (Nicotine, Alcohol, Porn, Drugs)

ADHD Big Brother - ADHD and Depression Solutions, Laughter, and Thoughts - Podcast készítő Russ Jones - Hétfők


Dr. Shane Calhoun is back! This was a phenomenal conversation on why ADHD is so common with adults with ADHD. If you are an adult with ADHD who is struggle with addictions, this is a must listen episode! As a former nicotine addict, and a person with all kinds of addictive behaviors, I found this talk with Dr. Shane invaluable! He's the best. Dr. Shane's Info:Dr. Shane Calhoun is a Clinical Health Psychologist who specializes in Adult ADHD. He has several masters degrees and graduated with hi...

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